Forget About Life Balance And Follow Your Passion

Britta Ollrogge, MBA
3 min readOct 4, 2022
yogi balancing on ribbons in meditation seat
Photo by cottonbro on

Fiftheen years ago, the term work-life balance was on everyone’s lips. But then, people were no longer “allowed” to talk about it because the division into work and life was seen as negative. So one speaks now about life balance.

If you look at explanations on the subject of life balance, they all follow the following approach: Different areas in life are important. Depending on the source, the areas of life vary slightly. Sometimes there are six, sometimes eight. But among them, you can find the following in most cases:

  • Job & Career,
  • Leisure & Joy of Life,
  • Contacts & Relationships,
  • Vitality & Health,
  • Wealth & Prosperity and
  • Personality & Growth.

The wheel of life

Please take a look at the areas of your life and rate them on a scale from 1 to 10 (10 = perfectly balanced, 1 = very unbalanced).
An imbalance, for example, in leisure and joy of life, can lead to symptoms such as fatigue or listlessness. Maybe our job has become too much weight in our everyday life. Then we lack energy, time, and motivation for the rest. Overstrain in all areas becomes apparent, and we no longer feel up to the demands.



Britta Ollrogge, MBA

I write on Self Improvement 🌱, Productivity 🎯, and Agile Product Development 🏄. My goal is to inspire.💡