Let Go of What’s Weighing You Down

Journal Writing as Morning Routine (#6)

Britta Ollrogge, MBA


Photo by fotografierende on Unsplash

“I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read on the train.” (Oscar Wilde)

I never really got on with diary writing in the past. Of course, I had heard that it was supposed to be good practice, and I always bought blank books regularly since my youth and made the resolution to write. But it did not come to it, or I gave it up after 2–3 days again.

Meanwhile, I have found an easy way to incorporate it into my morning routine and write daily.

Effects of Journal Writing

Many psychologists comment on the positive effects of journal writing, and it has also been integrated into therapy.

The German psychologist Inge Seiffge-Krenke described five main functions of journal writing:

  • Retrospection
  • emotional relief,
  • self-integration,
  • self-criticism, and
  • the diary as a confidant.

She has found out that journal writing increases creativity.

Elisabeth Mardorf, another German psychologist, also sees journal writing as an essential aid in personality development and problem-solving. She says that perceiving one’s weaknesses and eventually integrating them is part of human development.
She believes that no therapist can replace a person’s self-knowledge gained through an honest examination of oneself.

Already 1966, Ira Progroff developed the Intensive Journal Method in New York. The Intensive Journal Method is a structured way of writing that enables the writer to achieve spiritual and personal growth.

Journal Writing as a Morning Routine

So if journal writing has positive effects, why not try it out for yourself? One difficulty is certainly to integrate it into your daily routine. A good option is to incorporate diary writing as part of your morning routine. Just 10 minutes a day will bring good results.

So what is the best way to start?

  • Place: make sure you have a quiet and…



Britta Ollrogge, MBA

I write on Self Improvement 🌱, Productivity 🎯, and Agile Product Development 🏄. My goal is to inspire.💡https://www.britta-ollrogge-consulting.com